Academic Editing February Coffee Chat: Giving or Receiving Negative Feedback
Academic Editing February Coffee Chat: Giving or Receiving Negative Feedback

Academic Editing February Coffee Chat: Giving or Receiving Negative Feedback

Usually, giving makes us feel good. A well-chosen gift, an appreciative recipient: It’s all smiles, roses, and unicorns. Unless what you’re handing out—or being handed—is negative feedback. (Cue Law and Order dun-dun music.) As an editor, you probably feel bad no matter which side you’re on, giver or receiver. But there are ways to make the process feel better, and possibly even good. And no matter what, you can still have cake afterward.
Register to join us on February 18, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET to discuss your tactics for handling negative feedback. Maybe you have a nifty acronym like THINK (Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Insightful/Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?), a metaphor (“critique sandwich”) or mantra (“collaborate”) that guides you. Maybe you employ deep breathing exercises, ask a friend to filter or edit your notes, or just hide in a blanket nest for a few hours. No matter what it is, share it with the group. In the end, negative feedback helps us all produce stronger writing, and isn’t that the goal? Let’s figure out how to get through it.
(Alt text: A computer screen showing four people in a video call is next to a stack of books, a coffee cup, and a plant. Copyright: pongsirionkham ©