Michigan Chapter Coordinators Interviewed for Summer 2024 Issue of The Freelancer

The Michigan chapter coordinators, Lisa Gilliam and Heather Romanowski, were interviewed by Sarah Banks for the Summer 2024 issue of the EFA’s The Freelancer newsletter. You can download the issue at https://www.the-efa.org/newsletters/ if you’re interested in learning a bit about us.
We met in February for brunch and to take a photo for the newsletter. We hadn’t seen each other in person since January 2020 due to Covid, so it was really great to catch up face-to-face again!
Our chapter is having our first in-person meeting since Covid this Saturday, September 21, 2024, and we hope to see many of our chapter members there. We’ve welcomed a lot of out-of-state EFA members to our Zoom meetings over the years as well, so this will be a hybrid meeting so that those who can’t make it in person can join us on Zoom as well.
We’re looking forward to a casual chat and also a bit of planning for 2025!
All our best,
Lisa Gilliam and Heather Romanowski
EFA Michigan Chapter Coordinators