Serena Howlett’s 2018 EFA booklet entitled How to Manage Erratic Workflow, Make Time for Fun and Gain Peace of Mind has recently been reissued! Unavailable for some time, the title may now be purchased in the EFA Lulu store here.

From the back cover:

To manage erratic workflow you need to strengthen or acquire business skills: market research, networking, product differentiation, and sales. A business plan is the first step toward effective management. An annual evaluation of successes and shortcomings will enable you to focus your energy, identify market demand for the skills you possess and develop a competitive strategy. You will learn to manage the volume and quality of work. When you focus on the kind of editing you do best, clients are likely to appreciate your true value.
With more predictable workflow and income, you will have the opportunity to make choices as to how to spend free time. Consider the people you want to spend time with and the activities that add to your sense of physical and mental well-being.

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

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