About the San Diego Chapter

Welcome to the San Diego EFA Chapter page. The San Diego chapter is open to all EFA members in the San Diego area, and our colleagues from the Los Angeles and Orange County Chapters are welcome to join us for events as well.

We will meet quarterly for in-person and/or virtual events to foster a community that supports each other’s work. Join us in February for the San Diego chapter launch with a casual, get-together to meet our fellow editors.

You can join our email list for more information on the launch and to be notified of upcoming events.

Chapter events are open to all members, guests of members, and freelancers interested in joining the EFA.

Activities of the San Diego chapter will be posted here:

June 30 (11:00 a.m.): EFA San Diego Chapter  and SD/PEN Summer Picnic at Kate Sessions Park (https://www.the-efa.org/event/efa-sd-and-sd-pen-summer-picnic/)

October TBD: Joint virtual event with the West Coast and Mountain West EFA Chapters

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

Solar eclipse