Joining the EFA

Who Are EFA members?

EFA members are all freelancers experienced in a wide range of professional skills, subject areas, and media. Here is a list of editorial services that our members offer.

Where do EFA members live and work?

The EFA is a national organization, headquartered in New York City, whose members live and work all over the country and in over a dozen nations abroad.

How can the EFA help me become a better editor or writer?

As a member you will receive discounts on our courses designed to build and enhance editorial skills; exclusive access to our newsletter and our acclaimed Discussion List, where members share their vast experience and knowledge about the business of freelancing, tips on “fixing” knotty language problems, and suggestions for skill improvement; early notice of new publications written by and for editorial freelancers; access to networking meetings and speaker presentations; access to our Job List service; and special prices on Shake Law, PerfectIt, and other indispensable resources.

Can someone with no professional editorial background join the EFA?

Although it isn’t a prerequisite to have an extensive editorial career to join, we do recommend that you have some professional experience or training as a writer, proofreader, editor, or the like before joining. Read our suggestions on gaining editorial skills.

Should I belong to more than one editorial organization?

By all means. Many of our members belong to other professional associations—a strategy that offers additional networking and educational opportunities. At the same time, many members of other organizations find that the EFA offers things that those others don’t, so they join the EFA. From time to time the EFA holds joint programs with other associations, which often gives people the chance to explore other career opportunities in the freelance world.

Does the EFA advocate for its members?

The EFA supports many of the organizations that have the resources to serve as advocates for their members, including the Authors Guild, ASJA, and the National Writers Union. In the Resources section of this website, the EFA offers the Code of Fair Practice, published originally by the Freelance Editorial Association, which merged with the EFA in 2000. The EFA does not offer legal support to members, nor does it support any political causes.

Does the EFA offer a health insurance plan?

Discounted rates on healthcare services, including dental, are available through third-party providers for EFA members in some areas of the United States.

What is the cost of membership?

You can join for one year for $145 or for two years for $260 (a savings of $30).

Can I cancel my membership?

Contact if you would like to cancel your membership prior your expiration date. Requests for refunds when cancelling membership are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Does membership run for the calendar year, or does it roll from the date one first joins?

Membership begins the month you join and ends twelve months later. That is, it runs from the date you joined to the end of that month of the following year (or second year, if you joined for two years).

Can I buy a team membership for my small company’s employees?

No. EFA membership is open to individual freelancers for mutual support and advancement. To help keep dues low for all, we have individual memberships only—no group, joint, or company-level memberships. Each employee must have their own account. Edit: this may be changing in early 2025.

What can I do as an EFA guest?

Guest accounts are for those who would like to take a course or webinar, but are not ready to become members of the EFA. Also, guests can receive emails announcing new courses and webinars. For anything else, including getting discounted or free webinars and courses, membership is the way to go.

Clients: Please note that becoming a guest is not part of the job ad submission process.

I am a guest. How do I upgrade to membership?

Log in first. Then click the “upgrade” link on your My Account page or sign up on the site.

Site Navigation

Where can I find details about the EFA’s healthcare discount plans?

Details about healthcare discount plans available to members are listed on the Healthcare Plans page. For specific information on a plan, contact that plan’s administrator. The plans are administered for the EFA, but not by the EFA.

Where can I find recommendations or information on editing and writing rates?

General guidelines on rates and rate ranges are available in the Resources section, under Editorial Rates.

How can I contact a human being, voice to voice?

See the Contact page.

For Current Members

How do I update my Member Directory entry?

Sign in to the website, then go to the My Account area, where you will find the Profile Editor. Tips on optimizing your profile for potential clients are available on this site.

How can I change my street or email address in the EFA records?

When you are signed in to the website, go to the My Account area, where you will find the Profile Editor. There you can change all of your contact information. Thank you for keeping it up to date so that we can stay in touch.

How do I join, leave, or use the Discussion List?

See the instructions on the Discussion List page.

How can i change my email address for the Job List?

Using the Profile Editor in the My Account area, update your primary email address.

I am not getting the Job List emails. What should I do?

First, check that your primary email address is correct, using the Profile Editor in the My Account area, and that you have checked Yes in Profile Editor for receiving the Job List. If those are correct, the issue may be with our email provider, which sometimes “cleans” email addresses if they’ve had any issues with delivery. You can try to re-add yourself to the listserv with our easy online form.

If those steps do not work, see the FAQ below titled “I am not receiving EFA emails. What should I do?” Allow a few days for any changes to cycle onto or off of the mailing list. If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact And meanwhile, you can always find the past four weeks’ active listings in the Job List archive.

How do I get a copy of the new EFA logo to use on my website?

You’ll find a link to the logos in the Member Area. Sign in for access.

How do I renew my membership?

Memberships can be renewed starting on the first day of the final month of your membership period (one year or two years). For example, if you join any time in January for one year, your renewal month will be all of the following January. Beginning on the 1st of your renewal month, a reminder message will appear on your My Account page with a link to the payment process. We will also send you a reminder email (with a link and instructions) on the 1st and, if you haven’t yet renewed, on the 21st of your renewal month. In addition, we send a hard copy reminder during the month with instructions for renewing on the site.

Your membership expires at midnight (Eastern) on the last day of your renewal month. Your membership is then in a 30-day grace period. Although your membership has expired, you can still sign in to the website to renew. When you sign in, you’ll be shown a screen with links for renewing. Upon expiration, we send you an email notice (with a link and instructions for renewing). We also send a hard copy reminder about ten days later.

After the grace period, you can still renew by, first, signing in to the website, and then proceeding with payment. This is sometimes called “rejoining.”

If you have questions about or difficulties with this process, please contact

Where can i find my membership expiration date?

Your membership expiration date is shown on your My Account page under the Welcome area. The My Account page is accessible after you sign in.

I used to be an EFA member and would like to rejoin. Where do I start?

If the email address you used with the EFA previously is still active, click the Sign In button at the upper right, then follow the steps to retrieve a lost password (you will actually set up a new password), and then log in. You will be prompted to rejoin via a link provided onscreen.

If you cannot sign in to this website, please contact Include your full name and the email address you previously used with the EFA so we can best assist you.

Technical Troubleshooting

I am not receiving EFA emails. What should I do?

Make sure that your selections for receiving the emails you want are correct in My Account > Profile Editor. Add and the EFA’s domain name,, to your address book or list of approved senders, or whitelist them, in your email program and with your spam filtering service or software. Check your spam, junk, promotions, trash, bulk mail, or similar folders in case EFA emails are being misdirected away from your inbox.

Help! I’ve forgotten my password.

Click the Sign In box. You will find a “Lost your password?” link on the Login page.

I’m a guest. Why can’t I show up in the directory or see the job listings?

Only members appear in the directory. Guest status allows you to register for EFA courses and webinars and receive occasional email from us. A member can create a full profile that includes a bio, editorial categories (skills, specialties, etc.), a resume, and a picture.  Only members have access to the Job List. If you would like to learn more about becoming an EFA member, please visit our potential members page.

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

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