Come Discuss “Every Day I Write the Book,” a Must-Read for Academic Editors
March 7, 2024
by Letitia Henville On April 12, the Academic Editing Chapter of the Editorial Freelancers’ Association and...
If you are involved or interested in academic editing, the Academic Editing (AE) Chapter will allow you to build your professional network, share information, and discuss relevant topics. Our regular programming includes quarterly virtual informational meetings, hosted alternately by the EFA and Editors Canada, and more frequent, small-group meetings like the EFA / Editors Canada Joint Academic Editing Book Club (JAEBC) and our monthly Coffee Chats.
The chapter is a collaboration between the EFA and Editors Canada, which was formed in early summer 2022. After conducting focus groups in 2021, the EFA formed an academic editing working group that reached out to colleagues in Editors Canada to propose creating a partnership. The virtual launch event in September 2022 was attended by nearly 250 people from around the globe, and the chapter was born! We currently have over 900 members in the chapter.
The Chapter’s efforts are run by volunteers who are members of either organization, and both organizations market the chapter events and provide support. Presently, the EFA hosts the AE Chapter’s website and email, and the EFA has granted the chapter funds to support administrative costs and to provide honorariums for guest speakers. We invite anyone who performs academic editing in any capacity to participate in the activities and events free of charge, and you do not have to be a member to participate.
The AE Chapter is organized into working groups with a leadership team overseeing all efforts. The Organizational Chart is a living and changing document that shows the solid team of dedicated volunteers who are building and running chapter activities and events.
Interested in joining our mailing list and receiving our newsletter? Sign up for our mailing list here. And to read past issues, visit here.
Have questions or want to volunteer? Email the co-coordinators at Our team at Editors Canada can be reached at
Tuesday, February 18 | 4 p.m. PDT / 7 p.m. EDT | Register
Usually, giving makes us feel good. A well-chosen gift, an appreciative recipient: It’s all smiles, roses, and unicorns. Unless what you’re handing out—or being handed—is negative feedback. (Cue Law and Order dun-dun music.) As an editor, you probably feel bad no matter which side you’re on, giver or receiver. But there are ways to make the process feel better, and possibly even good. And no matter what, you can still have cake afterward.
Join us to discuss your tactics for handling negative feedback. Maybe you have a nifty acronym like THINK (Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Insightful/Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?), a metaphor (“critique sandwich”) or mantra (“collaborate”) that guides you. Maybe you employ deep breathing exercises, ask a friend to filter or edit your notes, or just hide in a blanket nest for a few hours. No matter what it is, share it with the group. In the end, negative feedback helps us all produce stronger writing, and isn’t that the goal? Let’s figure out how to get through it.
(Alt text: A computer screen showing four people in a video call is next to a stack of books, a coffee cup, and a plant. Copyright: pongsirionkham ©
Friday, February 21 | 10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT | Register
We look forward to hosting a Q&A with Dr. Stephanie Evans to discuss her book Black Feminist Writing. Our host will be Dana Johnson of This meeting will include a discussion about the book among attendees and will not be recorded.
Use coupon code SAEB25 when buying directly from SUNY Press for 30 percent off.
(Alt text: Flyer featuring the cover of Stephanie Evans’s Black Feminist Writing and the text, “Academic Editing Book Club: Friday, Feb 21, 10am PT / 1pm ET.”)
Recordings of past events are available to watch on our YouTube channel.
March 7, 2024
by Letitia Henville On April 12, the Academic Editing Chapter of the Editorial Freelancers’ Association and...
December 19, 2023
Becoming—and then being—an academic editor is not an easy task. It can be isolating to work alone through a pile of journal articles or a seemingly endless dissertation. If you are interested advancing your skills, advocating for the profession, supporting emerging editors, or connecting with like-minded people, then volunteering might be a good option for you.
April 9, 2023
Organizers of the EFA’s Academic Editing Chapter (a partnership with Editors Canada) are pleased to be...
Usually, giving makes us feel good. A well-chosen gift, an appreciative recipient: It’s all smiles, roses,…
Register to join the EFA / Editors Canada Joint Academic Editing Book Club (JAEBC) on Friday,…