Digital strategist and website developer Rene Morozowich spoke at our Pittsburgh Chapter dinner meeting on November 5, 2019. At our request, she shared some practical tips on building a professional brand and making a great online impression.

Among the many useful tips, Rene recommended first thinking about your own desired image and working from there. She spoke of the importance of using a professional photographer to truly capture whatever image you want to project. She also stressed consistency in your online presence: colors, tone, fonts, etc., for a cohesive appearance.

An Uber pitch was another topic. Initially, I thought Rene meant an über pitch, as in your best pitch. But she was actually referring to a ride-sharing moment. Time and again, Rene would find herself  being asked by the Uber or Lyft driver, “What do you do?” Rene realized she needed an elevator pitch, or what she calls an Uber pitch. She shared with us some formulas for a good Uber pitch.

Rene compared the utility of social-media engagement and a freelancer’s own website, explaining that with your own website, you have control of the product. Social media, of course, is a great tool, but the ultimate control of this outlet lies with outsiders.

A video of Rene’s presentation is available at Building a Great Online Impression, or go to her website,, and click on her list of presentations.

Rene Morozowich is a digital strategist and website magician based in Pittsburgh. She loves helping creative, service-based businesses develop their online presence and get found. In her free time, Rene enjoys traveling, organizing the WordPress Pittsburgh meetup, and roller skating.

Patricia Boyd
Pittsburgh Chapter Co-coordinator

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