Do you want to help keep the EFA strong and responsive to the needs of its members? Volunteering to serve on the Membership committee is a great way to do that! We have some exciting initiatives underway and are looking for new committee members to contribute their efforts and ideas to the cause. Your participation can make a meaningful difference in these as well as future projects:

Member Value Proposition

The recent Member Value Survey was just the first step in improving benefits for EFA members. Your input can help us use the data we’ve collected to strengthen the organization by meeting the needs our members have expressed—and brainstorm ways to recruit new members.

After learning what is most important to our members, we may also consider implementing membership tiers, i.e., offering memberships at a variety of price points with different services that suit the specific needs of current and future members. Another option might be discounted memberships for certain groups. You can help investigate whether these would be of interest to our members, and if so, what they might look like. 

Rates Chart

As you know, the EFA rates chart sets the standard for the editorial industry. We will now be conducting the rates survey annually. Watch your inbox next week for the official announcement!

Once we have collected this year’s data, we will discuss ways to use it that will bring the most benefit to our members. This could include new ways of promoting the rates chart and/or presenting the information in a different way on our website. Whatever ideas you may have, we want to hear them!

So whether you’re a serial volunteer or you’re thinking of dipping your toe in, this is a great opportunity to get involved and impact the ways in which the EFA serves its current members and those to come. And, in addition to contributing your expertise and ideas to projects that affect you as a member and the organization as a whole, volunteering is a great way to meet other members who share your interests or work in an area you’d like to know more about! Whether you’re ready to take the plunge or want to learn more, check out the Membership committee and volunteering pages on our website or email Cyndi Sandusky, Membership committee chair at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

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