
Judy K. Brody

Text and photo permissions editor with a concentration in college textbooks; Photo researcher and Archivist. Persistence and respect maintained throughout. Excellent track record, highly motivated, communication skills and record-keeping are paramount.

Bay Village, OH

Business phone: 440-617-9741

Email: jkb7810@aol.com

Years in the field: 35
Years freelancing: 21


Judy Brody


Text and photo permissions editor with a concentration in college textbooks; Photo researcher and Archivist. Persistence and respect maintained throughout. Excellent track record, highly motivated, communication skills and record-keeping are paramount.

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

Solar eclipse