Members Boost EFA at LA Times Festival of Books

The EFA booth at the April 22-23, 2023, LA Times Festival of Books was abuzz with activity. Members of the LA and OC chapters spent the weekend in conversation with festivalgoers about the ways EFA can benefit editors and writers—and they had a lot to say. They talked to almost 200 people and added 60 names to the email list. In between visitors, they enjoyed the opportunity to get to know members they may have only known from Zoom meetings. Everyone had a great time!
Thanks to booth volunteers Marcella Lopez, Amy Carbo, Sara Roahen, Helga Schier, Ilana Rand, Sharon (Shan) Emanuelli, Chelsey Drysdale, Marissa Dunham, and Lorraine Martindale for making this event a success.
Lynn Varon
LA Chapter Co-coordinator
Image: L to R: Lynn Varon and Helga Schier