
Developmental Editing of Fiction: Advanced (Online, Apr. 30-May 27)


Where: AsynchronousOnline (Sakai)

April 30, 2018

Registration is closed for this class



Advanced Developmental Editing for Fiction is a four-week online class for editors who have some experience editing fiction. The instructor strongly urges enrollees to take the Beginning and/or Intermediate developmental editing classes she offers before enrolling in this one. We’ll be focusing on doing a complete, actual edit of a full-length fiction manuscript. The instructor will provide a class manuscript for you to work on. If you prefer to use a manuscript of your own (for example, a client’s project or a friend’s work), that’s fine. The class material does not focus on the specifics of the class manuscript (some of the discussion on the forum may do so). In this four-week class, we’ll focus on reviewing the principles of developmental editing, making an editorial plan, providing an appropriate critique, and more. But the main thrust of the work will be your editing an actual manuscript and having the instructor guide those edits.

About the Instructor: Jennifer Lawler has worked for many years as a freelance book development editor on a wide range of editorial projects for traditional book publishers as well as independent authors—everything from cookbooks to memoir to paranormal romance to thrillers. She launched Crimson Romance for Adams Media (now Simon & Schuster), overseeing all aspects of acquisitions, editorial, and production. She has also worked as a magazine editor for MSP Custom Publishing.

She is the author or coauthor of more than forty nonfiction books and novels, including her popular and award-winning Dojo Wisdom series (Penguin). She has written a number of romances under three pen names.

She worked briefly as a literary agent and has taught in the biomedical writing program at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, the copyediting program at the Univeristy of California–San Diego, and for the well-respected Loft Literary program in Minneapolis.

Previous registrants said:

“Jennifer’s feedback was wonderful. As a freelancer I don’t get feedback often, so this was refreshing.”

A Note About the EFA's Online Courses

Our online courses are conducted through Sakai, a learning management system (LMS). You never need to be at your computer at any specific hour. More information about how these asynchronous classes are conducted is available here.

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