EFA stood out as offering unique value at the Medical Communications Conference of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), held in Denver, Colorado, November 2–5, 2022. We were one of about 40 exhibitors, placed across from the posters section, between tables for PerfectIt and a medical news agency.

Freelancers seemed relieved when they approached our table. Plenty of self-employed people were numbered among the 700 attendees, but EFA was the only organization present specifically for freelancers, and our presence offered camaraderie for people who didn’t arrive with a team of colleagues from a big pharma company or med comms agency. Lots of people stuck around for 10–15 minutes at a time, hearing about EFA and talking shop.

We also connected with a lot of medical writers and business owners who were interested in using the job board to find freelancers. I was proud to share about the eager response I knew they would receive when they posted their specific needs.

EFA’s logo could be found slung over dozens of shoulders throughout the hotel where the conference was housed—we gave away canvas-and-red tote bags, some of the best swag offered by exhibitors.

AMWA offered several opportunities specifically for freelancers: workshops, sessions, and roundtables with content on pricing, marketing, managing burnout, and tools of the trade. It was enriching to rub shoulders with veteran communicators, as well as many who are new to the field.

Elizabeth Knight and Allie Boman served as cocaptains, and Jennifer Herrin staffed the table as well. We made a great team, and it was rewarding to get to know each other over the course of the conference.

More opportunities to represent EFA will come up soon, so stay tuned for your chance to both give and receive by serving this outstanding organization.

Allie Boman
EFA Member and Events Volunteer

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Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

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